How does your text critically engage an issue you have spotted in a film, an advertisement, or in a current event?  

Option One: Produce an argumentative essay that makes a specific claim regarding one or more ideological positions produced in your selected stories.  You may choose your own topic developed out of lectures, class discussions and your own reading for the essay and provide an argument to support the claim you deliver in your thesis statement. […]

Read this graphic novel. As you read, mark the parts that catch your interest and which you’d like to discuss in class.

Response to El Deafo Read this graphic novel. As you read, mark the parts that catch your interest and which you’d like to discuss in class. Since graphic novels rely on visual elements, create a multimodal response (using visual elements and words) that addresses the content, form, and lessons learned from the story. Take a […]

Analyze at least 3 panels of the graphic novel

Description In this essay is necessary to be to make connections between different graphic novel elements, such as illustrations, dialogue, and narration, along with the proper integration of quotes from secondary sources and the correct use of MLA 8. Here we’ll analyze at least 3 panels of the graphic novel *in sequence*. In the documents […]