How the 2008 financial crisis transformed into a major economic crisis and crashed the economy.

Q1 [50 points] Based on your reading of Blanchard’s Chapter 1, using the relevant graphs and data in the Chapter and Lecture notes, explain a) why the drop in housing prices caused a major financial crisis in 2008, and b) how the 2008 financial crisis transformed into a major economic crisis and crashed the economy. […]

How much an analysis is valued can depend heavily on how well the results of that analysis are articulated.

Presenting Data Analysis Results Effectively Create a 10-12 slide PowerPoint presentation that interprets four of the graphs from the report you created in the last two assessments. You have the option of recording a voice-over of up to 10 minutes or including detailed presenter’s notes in the PowerPoint slide deck to explain the points in […]

Describe background information on how that problem developed or came into existence.

Government accountability and corruption Identify the global societal problem within the introductory paragraph. Conclude with a thesis statement that states your proposed solutions to the problem. Describe background information on how that problem developed or came into existence. Show why this is a societal problem. Provide perspectives from multiple disciplines or populations so that you […]

Are numbers on the axis spaced out proportionally or have they been varied to create a dramatic impression?

Misleading Graphs After exploring different types of graphs this week, it is unfortunate to learn that there are sometimes misleading graphs used in the news, politics, medicine, etc. in order to sway a decision or belief. Some items to watch out for in graphs are— Is there a title that explains what the graph is […]

Describe how your career plans will contribute to your fulfilling your Life Purpose.

Major Project – Life Purpose MAJOR PROJECT DUE: WEEK 1 OF PERIOD 4 (Week 7 of course) Document in detail your Life Purpose Discovery Process. Use each item below as a section title. You can add as many headings and subheadings as you need. If you include pictures, graphs, or tables, they will not count […]

Identify key community and social resources that negatively and positively affect the selected issue.

Community -level strategic plan Write a community-level strategic plan that addresses a key public health issue. Potential topics may include: Using prenatal and infancy home visits to prevent child abuse and neglect Preventing falls in the elderly Reducing population salt intake Reducing tobacco use among adults Preventing risky sexual behavior among youth and young adults […]

What primary audiences do the two websites seem to aim for? What kind of knowledge do the audiences seem to possess about the subject matter? What are their age(s), genders, education level, occupations, and cultural

Audience memo Note: You need to answer all of these questions; your failure to answer all questions will result in point deductions. • What primary audiences do the two websites seem to aim for? What kind of knowledge do the audiences seem to possess about the subject matter? What are their age(s), genders, education level, […]

Describe how the data were collected by the organization that published it.

Multiple-choice and/or true/false questions. Q1 – February 1; Q2 – March 3; Q3 – April 4 Analytical research paper An exciting component of this course is writing up an analytical research paper based on secondary data. Many organizations collect data for research or administrative purposes. Many of these datasets are available on the internet. Use […]

Describe your author’s method-style-Is this straight reportage-Is it an opinion piece?

Should students receive mental health days off school Title: Your title is your Research Question Section 1: State your position or argument CLEARLY with a general back-up reason. You should also state the reasons you chose this topic, or person– why you believe it is of interest and importance. Then cite the two articles you […]

What types of data can be used to generate different kinds of graphs?,How have you used data to showcase an example or solve a problem? Did you get the outcome you expected? Explain.

Looking at probability in research, which do you believe is the best approach between classical, empirical, and subjective? Explain. When working with research, would you rather use conditional or joint probability? Explain                                                                                               Research involves measurement scales, of which there are four types. In data collection, what sources of data would you use, and how would […]