Identify and explain Campbell’s thesis of his book and define the following terms in the classic Greek sense: hero, myth, and inspiration (each with full descriptions, which by the way are in the lectures and not necessarily from the book).

Joseph Campbell’s book. In Joseph Campbell’s book, The Hero with a Thousand Faces, he states that there is a common story of the hero across cultures and times found in religious stories, legends, and fairy tales and that this story is in fact everyone’s journey of self-actualization. In an essay, describe stages 1, 3, and […]

What are the challenges for the adoption of blockchain technology in the Greek Supply Chain Sector?

Assessing Challenges and Perceived Benefits for the Adoption of Blockchain Technology in the Greek Supply Chain Sector Chapter-1 Introduction: Describes the importance of blockchain and background study of blockchain in supply chain sector. Define problem, and derive hypothesis and research questions. The research questions will be: • What is the current status of Greek companies […]

What is his stance towards the war and how is it expressed?

Book: Vikelas’s Loukis Laras The struggle for Greek independence from Ottoman rule is the central historical moment contextualized in Dimitrios Vikelas’ Loukis Laras. Write a 3-page essay in which you analyze how the author portrays the independence movement. What is his stance towards the war and how is it expressed? Consider the author’s tone and […]

What does the Epic of Gilgamesh tell us about life, death, and the afterlife in ancient Mesopotamia?

Writing Choose one option: Option A: post a minimum of 400 words about the importance of the Greek mystery religions. What exactly were they? What did they offer people? This is really good: ;http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece…. (Links to an external site.) Option B: post a minimum of 400 words discuss of the importance of the Negative Confession […]

Why was it important to Menaechmus’ solution of the problem of two mean proportionals that the plane cutting the cone be at right angles to one of its generators?

Complete question below Given that we have no documents from the time of Greek mathematics the earliest manuscripts we have are medieval how can we be sure that the texts we have are actually what the authors wrote?Were the copyists who wrote the early medieval manuscripts simply concerned with reproducing the text faithfully, or is […]

How do you think the two works are shaped by the time they are written in? Why do they still speak to us today in 2021?

Module 2: Reading Quiz 2 After reading The Odyssey and the Greek play you chose, compare and contrast the two works. Use the following guidelines to help you compose your answer: – What are at least three similarities between the two readings? – What are at least three differences between the two readings? – These […]