How close to historically accurate or faithful to the original story is it? Why do you think changes were made to the story?

Humanities Question For this essay look at a film adaptation of a story from Greece or Rome. Analyze the way that the film covers its subject matter. How close to historically accurate or faithful to the original story is it? Why do you think changes were made to the story? What do those changes say […]

How do the images of Athenian women differ from the images of Amazons in Greco-Roman art-What do these artistic images reveal about the relationship between ancient Greek concepts of gender and the heroic identity of the Amazons?

How do the images of Athenian women differ from the images of Amazons in Greco-Roman art? What do these artistic images reveal about the relationship between ancient Greek concepts of gender and the heroic identity of the Amazons? Your essay must not only reflect a good understanding of the readings and the lecture material, but […]

Does she callfor him because she doesn’t know he is behind it? Or is it because at the end of the day he is herfather and she forgives him?Discuss

1.CPE#1- Hesiod, Theogony”Dance on dainty feet, and who, after bathing their soft skin in the Permessos or the spring of theHorse or holy Olmeios on the peak of Helicon”(Hesiod, 4-7). This quote illustrates a connectionto the reading “Homer’s Odyssey”. The muses in Hesiod were depicted as “beautiful arousingdesire as they dance erotically”(Hesiod,7-8) just like the […]

Discuss Topic: Greek Mythology:Poison of Power Paper details: 1250 words works cited page term paper use material attached to create an argumentative essay on how powfkter was a downfall in Greek mythology Chat Type your message here… Files

Topic: Greek Mythology:Poison of Power Paper details: 1250 words works cited page term paper use material attached to create an argumentative essay on how powfkter was a downfall in Greek mythology Chat Type your message here… Files