What does it illustrate about justice in the city and in the individual?

Discuss and critically evaluate Descartes’ proof that God must exist. That is; fully explain the responses and replies to this ‘proof’. Is the critic successful in his efforts to refute Descartes? Why or why not?  Possible topics:  Again, please do not feel limited to these topics.  You are encouraged to write on what interests you […]

What impact do the ideas of the Ancient Greek philosophers have in your own views and opinions?

A. Assignment Guidelines DIRECTIONS: As reported in Plato’s account The Apology, Socrates famously claimed at his trial that “The unexamined life is not worth living.” In this course, you have had the opportunity to examine your own life and reality through the thoughts of the Ancient Greek philosophers. The purpose of this touchstone assignment is […]

What is the main point of Herodotus’ historical myth of Solon’s encounter with king Croesus? How does the story emphasize the chief characteristics of Greek humanism?

Hello ! I have these 2 questions that need to be answered, they must be 5 sentences each. The only source to be used will be uploaded as a pdf, which is the textbook. In the following questions: no more than a paragraph for each (5-8 lines, typed, maximum) 2. What is the main point […]

Compare your character to a Greek god or goddess, or one of the Endless. Discuss the similarities you find between your character and the mythic archetype. As you compare, consider why these traits might be repeated in this modern form.

Please write a 1-2 page journal reflecting on the following prompt: Choose a fictional character from a story we haven’t read as part of the class. This may be a character from a movie, a television show, a short story, a comic, or a novel. Complete a basic analysis of your character determining their character […]

How is this important in our understanding of the spread of Greek civilization in this era and the Hellenistic Age?Discuss.

Respond to each post with at least a paragraph each.Must use a source citation for each post. In responding to classmates’ posts, consider the significance of these collective examples. How is this important in our understanding of the spread of Greek civilization in this era and the Hellenistic Age?

Pick one of the compelling topics of Greek History and analyze it. What perspective can it give people today?Explain.

Homer and the Iliad and Odyssey, the Persian and Peloponnesian Wars, The Age of Pericles and the decline of Athens, Greek Philosophy and Drama, the list goes on. Pick one of the compelling topics of Greek History and analyze it. What perspective can it give people today?

Explore how the concept of free will works in two of the ancient Greek texts we’ve read. How much control do the characters have over their actions and/or fates?

Literature is both within its time and beyond its time. Choose two of the works we’ve read so far, and explain how it raises themes we’re still dealing with today. Answer in 4-5 paragraphs, and make your parallels and connections as specific as possible. Explore how the concept of free will works in two of […]