Explain whether public employees should have a right to organize and strike. Provide a rationale for your statements.

Opening Paragraph on who you are as an organization. Give me a profile of the team you represent (make it up or think about a real sports team) and the type of athletic players, plus something about CBA and negotiating a new CBA. Evaluate what (if any) issues should be permissive versus mandatory within a […]

Describe how this inspiration serves as both a means of recruitment of individuals as well as a catalyst for collective action for a group.

Choose either a purely domestic extremist group or an internationally focused terrorist organization or individual and briefly describe the main inspiration (the grievance or cause). Describe how this inspiration serves as both a means of recruitment of individuals as well as a catalyst for collective action for a group. Discuss the means of communication used […]

Which of the two conflict theories have the potential to explain the root causes of the conflict that analyzing?”

CONFLICT Your theory paper should be 5-7pages long, double space, 12-point font. Pick an ongoing or a frozen conflict (you can work on the same conflict that you had worked earlier for your conflict mapping assignment or you can work on another one) and apply two theories you learned so far in the course into […]

Discuss a labor law from your state-You can use this site to assist you in your research.

Week 4 348 Discuss the following in your main post: The industrial relations principles are not designed to apply favorably to only one segment. The company, union, and employee perspective must be taken into consideration in the grievance process. Discuss each of these perspectives. Whether the differences are relatively minor or vastly different, labor laws […]