What specific aspects of that brand establish its brand equity?

Reading required: – Read Chapter 10, 11, 15 and 17 carefully and then answer the following questions based on your understanding. Grocery chains such as Abdullah Al-Othaim Markets track consumers’ purchasing habits through store loyalty cards like Iktisab. These cards collect purchasing data and build consumer profiles. How can grocers like Abdullah Al-Othaim Markets use […]

How can grocers like Abdullah Al-Othaim Markets use these data to create value for the firm and consumers?

Part-A: Case Study Max Marks-5 Read the Chapter Case Study “P&G Segments its Market along Multiple Dimensions” from Chapter No- 9 “Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning” Page: – 308 and 309 given in your textbook/E-book – “Marketing” (8th ed.) by Dhruv. Grewal and Michael Levy (2022) and answer the following Questions: In addition to the list […]

Identify your unit of analysis (second most primary purchase)

Unit 6 Discussion For this discussion assignment you will analyze your “second most favorite” primary product purchase business or category. For “second most” you cannot use Amazon.com, Target, or Walmart in your analysis. These would be used by too many students as either first or second choice. You will analyze your second most primary product […]

discuss how you would “judge” if these pay increases are/were fair and equitable.

Many organizations implemented some sort of pay increment for essential workers as an organizational response to COVID-19. Called hero’s pay, pandemic pay, hazard pay, and other terms, this pay increment/increase, for instance, has been given to grocery workers, employees in long term care residences, and some hospital employees. Using material in the text/course, discuss how […]

Discuss how you would approach an inventory audit of a grocery store and address the issues of

Provide an original and substantive response to the questions posed in your Assignment in a minimum of 200 words. You learned in your Reading about the risks and internal control structure for inventory. Grocery stores present unique challenges with inventory. In addition to a high volume of transactions, there are also temperature and shelf-life considerations […]

Explain whether or not you think this new rapid screening test is good enough to be recommended for use in the U.S in our current Covid-19 pandemic and explain how you made that decision (i.e. why do you believe it is or is not a good enough test to use). Because up to 50% of individuals with Covid-19 infections are asymptomatic it is important to have a test that accurately identifies Covid 19 cases.

.Create a 2×2 contingency table for this diagnostic and answer questions 1 through 13. 1- How did you label Row 1? 2-How did you label Row 2? 3-How did you label Column 1? 4-How did you label Column 2? 5-What value is in your “a” cell? 6-What value is in your “ b” cell? 7-What […]

What are seven data items? List seven things the store might want to keep track of in their database about each of the food items, like its name, its identifying bar code number, whether it is sold by the pound or by the item, how it should be stored, price, etc. The goods (like bananas or bread) are not the data items, they are the data. Data items are what kind of info the store needs to keep about them.

Assignment Content During your weekly trip to the grocery store, you purchase bread, milk, cold cereal, bananas, and ice cream. The purchase was made using a debit card. Create a table listing at least 7 data items collected in this transaction and how they are entered into the system. Note from the Instructor: What are […]

What kind of business model should the group choose?Discuss

The topic of this journal is competitive rivalry in the grocery business. No matter what happens with the US economy, people will continue to buy groceries. There will be some ups and downs in that industry, but there won’t be dramatic changes in the short run. Assume that you are on the BOD – Board […]