What is the concentration of 1,4-dioxane at a distance 75 ft from the discharge after 50 days?

Hydrology 08 A saline (salt) solution with a concentration of 370 mg/L is introduced into a 3.0-m-long sand column in which the pores are initially filled with distilled water. The solution drains through the column at an average linear velocity of 0.79 m/d and the longitudinal dispersivity of the sand column is 15 cm. In […]

Describe where your electricity comes from by finding your utility’s environmental disclosure statement.

Environmental Geology: Summative Project The purpose of this project is for you to apply what you have learned in this class.  You will be researching a location and determining the interaction of humans and the environment.  You may choose the location where you intend to live in the future (your dream location or somewhere you […]