What is the step to guarantee that the members are adhering to the group agreement?

The 12-step program is a good one and one that should not be taken lightly. What universal factors would you incorporate in your group agreement? What steps would you take if the person comes in group under the influence? What is the step to guarantee that the members are adhering to the group agreement?

Do you think that the icebreaker she did was effective? Why or why not?

Group Dynamics – Written facilitation assignment – 12/6/2022 FACILITATION Content Instructions: Due to the school closing, we are unable to do in-class facilitations. In lieu of those, students will complete a written assignment. The audio on the video is okay, but you will probably hear it clearer if you watch wearing headphones. Watch the video […]

What do you want your family, friends, and communities to remember? What do you want them to know about you-How can you guarantee that this happens?

Write a discussion board response of about 200-300 words where you talk about what you want to happen to your stuff when you die. This isn&x27;t just about writing a will and handing out your slightly-used vehicles to your grandkids. You can write a sort of "will" here if you want, but this is an […]