What do the authors mean by a stable majority as distinct from an ephemeral majority?

The final exam for this course consists of the following three-part writing assignment. The first part consists of several short-answer questions based on your reading of the assigned chapters from our American Government textbook. The second part consists of several short-answer questions based on the essay “Why is the Constitution Not Democratic?” by Dennis Hale […]

What are the pathways U.S. women veterans take to enter the justice system?

Challenges Faced By Justice-Involved Women Veterans in Los Angeles County Research Question: What are the pathways U.S. women veterans take to enter the justice system? Under what circumstances or conditions do women veterans face challenges connecting to resources to successfully transition out of the justice system? Purpose statement: The purpose of this study is to […]

Give reasons why small business owners are not using AIS in their businesses

Using AIS: What Is the Problem? Fordham and Hamilton evaluated a broad range of small businesses and found that a large majority are still using accounting practices that do not constitute true integrated computerized accounting systems. Evaluate the findings Fordham and Hamilton presented in their paper. Propose additional reasons why small business owners are not […]

Explain Why this analysis matter, what does this have to do with how we think and how we understand the transactional model of communication

instructions on how to complete Please give an abstract 1. Introduction, give an insight on to what hamilton is 2. in this section describe the theory itself (transactional model) mention of Hamilton, just hoe the theory happens 3. the application of the theory to Hamilton the musical 4. the implications. Why this analysis matter, what […]