What is the consequences to investors if the expense is overstated and therefore earnings understated?

Discussion: During the most recent presidential election there was a lot of debate about U.S. companies not repatriating earnings back to the U.S. Many companies have no intention of ever bringing those earnings home under the current tax rules. Do you feel that companies overstate their tax expense if they never intend to bring those […]

What are the current recommendations for managing Hannah’s asthma and to help prevent asthma episodes?

OXYGENATION CASE STUDY ASTHMA Hannah McGregor, a 9-year-old with asthma, lives at home with her parents and two brothers, who are 6 and 4 years old. Hannah developed asthma at approximately 5 years of age and has had wheezing episodes that were generally controlled by rescue medications. Two weeks ago, Hannah had a severe asthma […]