What did you learn about the different types of nonverbal communication after reflecting on your observations?

Written in essay format, with an introductory and concluding paragraph. 1. Go to a public place (the mall, fast food restaurant, library) and observe for at least 1 hour.consider the following types of nonverbal communication: body orientation haptics gestures face and eye, voice (paralanguage) proxemics, and personal appearance. OR, if due to the pandemic you […]

What was the situation?-How did the nonverbal communication affect the verbal communication?

For your initial post in this discussion, please include an explanation of how these nonverbal dynamics are presented in the clip: Haptics Chronemics Eye behaviors Vocalics Gestures Part II. Think about where you have seen this same nonverbal cue(s) in your own life. Share a personal example in which you explain where you have witnessed […]