Describe how you created a time and a place for your concert viewing experience.

Performance Response Select a video from the approved list HERE and write a reflection on the music. Include the answers to the questions below, but be sure to write in the form of a review for a newspaper, website, or magazine. Time and Place (5 points) Describe how you created a time and a place […]

Compare the Daoist idea of wuwei to Confucius’ approach to how one should live in the world?

Week 4 Discussion: Chinese Religion Option 1 For this option, address the following: Define each of the following Confucian principles: ren, yi, li, zhi, and xin. Choose one of these principles and explain how it contributes to social harmony. Illustrate with an example of how this principle compares to your own beliefs and/or religious background. […]

What about your group dynamics worked for you-Is there something that might further encourage you to share more with your peers in your groups?

Reflecting on bias research Writing Prompt Write a 250+ word reflection and be sure to address the following points: What most stood out to you from our class meeting? To what extent did our class activity support your learning about implicit bias and how it plays a role a STEM and healthcare? Thinking back to […]

What forms and musical concepts that we have studied do you see any connections? Explain your choices.

Vivaldi: Four Seasons played by: Janine Jansen Besides the questions asked below, please add any other observations that come to you for a one-page long report, containing roughly 500 words. Write your review as soon as possible after the performance or video. OUTLINE What concert?Reaction to the concert environment (performing venue) Composition(s) (Just give the […]

What similarities and differences canĀ  hear between my two choices?

Non-Western and Western Music The critical thinking checklist will help you gather the evidence to support your assertion that you have chosen a Western or a non-Western musical style/choice. For each piece of music, write at least 1 paragraph that fully explains all of the items on the critical thinking checklist. Be sure to provide […]