How do the same misunderstandings persist today-how would this story’s commentary apply?

ENG – WRITTING KURT Vonnegut WEEK 3 frid “Harrison Bergeron” Bergeron Notes “Politics of ‘Harrison Bergeron’” Discussion Board: “Harrison Bergeron” aims its satire at misunderstandings of concepts like socialism and equality during the Cold War era, but how do the same misunderstandings persist today, and how would this story’s commentary apply? Point me to an […]

Identify instances of that literary element and analyze its use.

The assignment is about the analysis of 2 specific literary elements. Must use one of the pairings below. Identify instances of that literary element and analyze its use. -Foreshadowing in “Harrison Bergeron” -Allegory in “A Clean, Well-Lighted Place” -Irony in “The Gift of the Magi” and “The Necklace” -Characterization in “Everyday Use” -Symbolism and/or Imagery […]