Analyze how each of these issues impacts the health and well being of the community members.

Local Solutions to Environmental Issues Presentation Significant environmental issues can devastate a community. Community leaders and committees play important roles in assessing and mitigating the impacts. In this assignment, create a 10-to 12-slide PowerPoint presentation in which you will imagine yourself as a community leader in Hawaii. You have been tasked with assessing current and […]

What kind of legal structure do you think you should switch to in order to help persuade your friends and family members to invest in your business? Explain.

Business Organization and Business Torts 1.You are the CEO of a corporation. After attending a business conference in Hawaii, you and some other CEOs you met at the conference decide to relax and unwind with a few drinks at the hotel bar. The hotel bar closes, so you and the other CEOs decide to go […]

What matters is the total amount that the government spends minus taxes collected. Explain this viewpoint. Do you agree-disagree? Why- why not?

Monetary Policy Research domestic taxation on the Internet. Write a two- to three-page paper in APA Style analyzing the national debt, deficits, and federal operating and capital budgets. Consider the following to guide your research and writing. Who is responsible for U.S. monetary policy and what are the roles of the Federal Reserve (the Fed), […]

What was your previous knowledge of Hawaii’s history, particularly the Hawaiian Kingdom (if any)?

Hawaii – Historical Context Short Essay – 500 word minimum – Times New Roman or Calibri, double spaced. After reading “The Conquest of Hawaii” and “The Overthrow of the Monarchy” please respond to the following prompts: What was your previous knowledge of Hawaii’s history, particularly the Hawaiian Kingdom (if any)? What did you learn of […]

Prepare a one-pager slide covering brief history, philosophy, and achievements

Hawaii Human Rights Hero Speak Truth to Power Hawaii Human Rights Hero a) research and write a similar article featuring the leader of Hawaii b) prepare a one-pager slide covering brief history, philosophy, and achievements c) present Hawaii Human Rights Hero to campus and community