Why is it important to access the community needs when planning a new facility, renovation, or begin offering a new healthcare service?

Healthcare Facility Design Write a 175- to 265-word response to the following: Why is it important to access the community needs when planning a new facility, renovation, or begin offering a new healthcare service? How would the leadership of the healthcare organization know what the community needs?

How might you apply those lessons learned to the process of translating an evidence-based intervention into practice?Explain

Research Week Seven discussion This is a graded discussion: 50 points possible Week 7: Collaboration Café – The Change Process (graded) No unread replies.No replies. Think of a time in which you encountered a change in nursing practice, patient care delivery, or within a healthcare organization, and respond to the following: What change did you […]

Describe characteristics and/or factors that stand out to you as contributing to the system’s strengths and weaknesses.

Briefly describe the professional you interviewed, including title, years of experience, and his/her healthcare organization (e.g., size, location, special services). Note: Be mindful of your interviewee’s privacy in the details you provide. Explain the concept of “performance management” that guided your interview and the interviewee’s responses. Evaluate the healthcare organization’s performance management system for effectiveness, […]