Why is it important that the Hebrew God will save a city if he can find ten good people in it, while Zeus will destroy a city simply for one bad person?

Directions and passages for paper on Epic and Justice (V 2022).  This is not a research paper.  Should be at least 1000 words long. MP (Mandatory Passage ) 1. How serious do you think Gorgias’ defense of Helen is? Do you think that love can overcome a person? Can persuasion work like a drug? Can […]

What are your suggestions about how the message(s) in the selection might be applied to life today?

An Analysis of Matthew 28:16-20 Everything in the New Testament was written to be understood—by people like you. But the fact that the New Testament was written almost 2000 years ago by ancient people who spoke various languages (such as Hebrew, Greek, Aramaic, etc.) means that often we much work at discovering what the authors […]

Demonstrate your points with examples and reasons.

A analysis of the social and religious implications of the laws from both comparative religions. Learning goal: The purpose of the comparison between the social and religious laws from both the givers is to bring out the various beliefs and philosophies that religions embark on for creating moral communities to bring social change. Hammurabi gave […]

What is the advantage of praying the same prayer both individually throughout the week and together as a congregation on Shabbat (the Sabbath)?

Messiahs & Laws Engaging a Text Look closely at the labels on this sample page of Talmud. What does the content of the page suggest about the practice of reading the Talmud? About the Talmud itself? Then, select three of the texts or interpreters mentioned in numbers 7) through 17) and research their dates and […]