What ways can a culture support hegemony-Think of examples from your own awareness and experience.

Before you proceed with this discussion, be sure that you are clear on the notion of hegemony, particularly its discussion in Dick Hebdige’s “From Culture to Hegemony.” In the prior discussion, we were concerned with the larger notion of culture and how it manifests itself. In this discussion, we are interested in culture and power […]

Discuss with your peers (each 150 words) whether you agree or disagree with Mouffe’s approach to gaining political power for social change.

DQ 13: Hegemony & War of Position Summarize (a minimum of 300 words) Chantel Mouffe’s argument on hegemony, war of position, and agonistic politics. (Lecture Notes/videos). Discuss with your peers (each 150 words) whether you agree or disagree with Mouffe’s approach to gaining political power for social change.

What were the key tenets of each ideology, and who were its leading thinkers or leaders?

Discussion Board #6: Unification and Hegemony In a minimum of 250 words answer the questions below. Questions: 1) The two dominant ideologies of the second half of the nineteenth century were nationalism and socialism. What were the key tenets of each ideology, and who were its leading thinkers or leaders? How did each of these […]

What does it mean to be part of a group? Can individuals be part of multiple groups? What effect would that have on their position as “empowered and constrained”?

Prompt: In previous essays, we examined whether individuals could create societal change, and to what extent individuals were responsible for making these changes. Many of your essays took aim at the “elites” of our world, arguing that they, as a generalized whole, were responsible for stopping or subverting efforts at genuine social change. In “Biographies […]