Describe the war conflict they were in, the role of the nurse hero during the war, how all five aspects of the nursing metaparadigm were influenced by the nurse, and then the contributions made to nursing during the hero′s life and to the future of nursing.

This paper needs to be about a nurse hero that was in a military conflict, like Clara Barton. It needs to describe the war conflict they were in, the role of the nurse hero during the war, how all five aspects of the nursing metaparadigm were influenced by the nurse, and then the contributions made […]

Compare the epic hero characteristics between Odysssus from the Odyssey, Beowulf, and Hamlet. Basing it off the thesis: “Although the epic hero’s in the Odyssey, Hamlet, and Beowulf have many differences, there are several characteristics shared between them.” All sources. from the books

a 5 page essay comparing the epic hero characteristics between Odysssus from the Odyssey, Beowulf, and Hamlet. Basing it off the thesis: “Although the epic hero’s in the Odyssey, Hamlet, and Beowulf have many differences, there are several characteristics shared between them.” All sources. from the books

What is an epic hero? how does the hero reflect the culture of their time? what journey does the hero undertake? what dangers does the hero face on their journey? what role do the gods play in the hero’s quest? what roles do women play in the lives of the epic hero? what is the final outcome of the hero’s journey?

Questions to be answered: what is an epic hero? how does the hero reflect the culture of their time? what journey does the hero undertake? what dangers does the hero face on their journey? what role do the gods play in the hero’s quest? what roles do women play in the lives of the epic […]