List a particular new story where you noticed that the framing of the story affected the viewer’s perception of was ‘right’ and ‘wrong.’

Story Framing Course: Political Sociology Question: List a particular new story where you noticed that the framing of the story affected the viewer’s perception of was ‘right’ and ‘wrong.’ COLLAPSE Your textbook defines frames as the schemes and templates for organizing experience according to certain rules and strategies. In other words, framing refers to how […]

How is the white savior complex different than pop culture heroes?

Who or what is a hero? (Humanities Discussion)  Answer one or more of the below questions. 1) What is an example of white saviorism? explain. 2) How is the white savior complex different than pop culture heroes? The same ? 3) Do you think today’s hero is only real if it’s someone from pop culture […]

Discuss a five paragraph essay on the Trojan War as discussed in Edith Hamilton's Mythology: Timeless Tales of Gods and Heroes.

five paragraph essay on the Trojan War as discussed in Edith Hamilton's Mythology: Timeless Tales of Gods and Heroes. Page citations are required. I was assigned the topic: How does Homer view the gods? Why include them in the story?

Compare and contrast two heroes from two of the epics we have read: Gilgamesh, the Iliad, the Odyssey, and Ramayana.

QUESTION I (50 points)—Use a minimum of 10 quotations and explain their significance fully. Compare and contrast two heroes from two of the epics we have read: Gilgamesh, the Iliad, the Odyssey, and Ramayana. Organize your essay according to Joseph Campbell’s definition of a hero: the hero as a very powerful human being who goes […]

Choose two heroes from the Iliad (one Achaean and one Trojan) and compare and contrast their values

V,11. viii If you refer to a scene, do not quote the text, this is a waste of space for a 4- _page essay. lust refer to the passage as follows: (Iliad, 6:105-120) so that would be Iliad, Book 6, lines 105 to 120. That’s all there is to it, Depending on which book you […]