Discuss how your participation elates to the themes of this class- however- this is a rare opportunity to be a part of the change you would like to see and to impact the world. why – is it significant?

In this class, we have talked about the various forms of discrimination: racism, classism, sexism, and heterosexism. Each writer we have read has engaged in some form of participatory citizenship and activism: whether it was in penning their article or participating in a movement for social change. Consider then, with which issue are you most […]

Why do you think these are expectations of the program?-Above and beyond your engagement in the Human Development Counseling curriculum, how do you intend to meet this challenge?

Statement of Purpose Vanderbilt University The Human Development Counseling program expects that students will engage in cultural humility, social justice, and a growing awareness of systemic racism, religious oppression, heterosexism, classism, sexism, and other historical and organized patterns of mistreatment woven into the foundation of American culture, society, and laws. 1. Why do you think […]

What attributes do nurses working with migrant agricultural workers need to refine to function as effective advocates for their patients?

Case Scenarios and Cultures Read the following two Case Studies and answer the questions presented. 1. Case Scenario: Milagros Amaro located in Chapter 8 on page 149 Questions: • What is the response of the staff to Milagros’s incomplete health records on her children? What assumptions underlie this response? • How could the N.P best […]