What is the biggest lesson you learned from researching this individual?

Project on a Woman in Popular Culture or Industry You must choose a woman that is listed from the options below. Failure to do so will result in a grade of a 0, and the assignment will not be accepted. You may not select Oprah Winfrey or Kamala Harris as the internet is flooded with […]

How was Hillary Clinton politically socialized throughout her life by at least three of the five major agents of political socialization?

Essay Prompt Respond to the entire essay prompt by the due date after reading the information below and watching the videos. Essay Prompt: Define political socialization. What are the five major agents of political socialization? How was Donald Trump politically socialized throughout his life by at least three of the five major agents of political […]

What events, according to you, may have caused the Clinton plan for healthcare reform to fail?

Refer to the Case Study: Healthcare Reform: Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama in your textbook. What events, according to you, may have caused the Clinton plan for healthcare reform to fail? What do you think are the factors that might explain why President Obama’s success in having his health care reform (Patient Protection and Affordable […]

Explain the manner in which the literary form of soliloquy shapes your view of Hamlet.

Shakespeare”Respond to the following, using sources under the Explore heading as the basis of your response: Discuss your reaction to the character of Hamlet in the two (2) soliloquies from the text. Consider the extent to which you sympathize with him and / or think he is self-absorbed. Explain the manner in which the literary […]

Describe an altered Electoral College system or an alternative way of electing presidents and then explain what weaknesses it might introduce into the election process.

General elections for the presidency Assignment The Electoral College is a mechanism of electing presidents that dates from a 1787 compromise. The winning election coalition celebrates the Electoral College’s consistency with American federalism and the Electoral College winner usually coincides with the winner of the overall popular vote. The losing election coalition of a popular […]

How does the emotion shown by Secretary Clinton credit-discredit her position as leader?

Class: communications across Cultures Style: apa In August of 2009, then U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton spoke at a press conference in the country of Congo in Central Africa. During the interview, one of the questions asked upset her. Although the questioner said afterwards that he misspoke, it did not lessen the drama of […]