What are the problems involved with using the term ‘Hinduism’?

Choose one of the narrative texts we’ve read, and compare it to an adaptation of your choice. Do a close study of both – what are the changes that were made in adapting the work? Why do you think these changes were made – you may explore cultural, political, or social reasons and aspects of […]

Compare and/or contrast East Asian Religions with Buddhism and Hinduism. Include how they are similar and how they differ.

The estimated number of Hindus has surpassed 800 million people. Discuss from your point of view that factors that have caused Hinduism to become the third largest religion in the present world and the largest religious group in Asia. Discuss the life and experiences of Siddhartha that has given shape to the Buddhist foundation and […]

Do you see all religions as containing the same basic truth(s) or are they fundamentally different? (Opinion Same/True)

Final Exam Essay Question Buddhism Question – impermanence and the Four Noble Truths. Christianity Question – monotheism and the relationship between God and Jesus Hinduism Question – unity and diversity (Braham and Atman/330 Goddesses and gods) Islam Question – the Five Pillars (Tell what 5 pillars are) What position do you take? saw both. Judaism […]

What events took place that allowed for the spread of Hinduism to the West-Do you think its movement into the West has caused Hinduism to simplify itself

What events took place that allowed for the spread of Hinduism to the West? Do you think its movement into the West has caused Hinduism to simplify itself, or do you think it has become more complex through the process?

Do you prefer one of these conceptions of the divine to the others? If so, Why?

Western Religions (Judaism, Christianity, Islam) think of God as a Person. This means that they think God as an intellect, a will, and maybe even feelings. Eastern Religions (such as Taoism or the more philosophical branches of Hinduism) think of the divine as something far less person-like. For them the divine is basically the all-inclusive […]

Discuss the difference and similarity between Upanisadic Brahman and the Puranic Isvara. Why incarnation of Visnu is considered important?

Evaluate the idea of many gods in Hinduism and the significance of one God. Discuss the difference and similarity between Upanisadic Brahman and the Puranic Isvara. Why incarnation of Visnu is considered important? Discuss one important aspect of Goddess worship. Discuss any two goddesses and their significance?

Compare and contrast Hinduism and Buddhism. Each religion has many variations, so you may focus on one branch or sect of each religion.

In a formal paper (approximately 500 words), compare and contrast Hinduism and Buddhism. Each religion has many variations, so you may focus on one branch or sect of each religion. This discussion should focus on each religion’s view of health and sickness.

Discuss either Patanjali’s classical teachings on Yoga (Raja-Yoga) or Sankara’s teachings on Advaita Vedanta as an example of a philosophical school or darsana that outlines an approach to spiritual liberation (moksa).

Description 4. Discuss either Patanjali’s classical teachings on Yoga (Raja-Yoga) or Sankara’s teachings on Advaita Vedanta as an example of a philosophical school or darsana that outlines an approach to spiritual liberation (moksa). consult with the course text, Introducing Hinduism, by Hillary Rodrigues

Discuss the key history and beliefs of the religion and how the religion’s beliefs/customs/celebrations have an impact on marketing and marketing strategy.

A short paper (1,000-1300 words) on how a specific religion (Islam, Christianity, Baha’i, Buddhism, Confucianism, Hinduism, Jainism, Judaism, Shinto, Sikhism, Taoism, etc.) has an impact on marketing. You can choose any religion to write about. Discuss the key history and beliefs of the religion and how the religion’s beliefs/customs/celebrations have an impact on marketing and […]