What proportion of children have an onset to seizure time between the mean and 50 months?

A study was conducted investigating the long-term prognosis of children who have suffered an acute episode of bacterial meningitis, an inflammation of the membranes enclosing the brain and spinal cord. Listed below are the times to the onset of seizure for 13 children who took part in the study. In months, the measurements are: 0.10 […]

Write a MATLAB GUI code that can upload any image and enable the user to apply basic image processing methods.

Write a MATLAB GUI code that can upload any image and enable the user to apply basic image processing methods. The required main methods are: Convert the image to a gray level. Convert the image to binary (use one of the thresholding methods). Enable the user to reset to the original image. Show the image […]

Describe your sample by writing a sentence describing the shape, center, and spread of your sample. 

Hypothesis Test Setup: Define your population parameter, including hypothesis statements, and specify the appropriate test. Define your population parameter. Write the null and alternative hypotheses. Specify the name of the test you will use. Identify whether it is a left-tailed, right-tailed, or two-tailed test. Identify your significance level. Data Analysis Preparations: Describe sample summary statistics, provide a […]

Identify the probability distribution that is adequate for the failure/repair process data sets

Task-1 is about the application of reliability techniques to analyze the failure data. In this task you are expected to select a complex system of your choice and have a good understanding of the system functionality and technical aspects of the system. Collect historical failure and repair/maintenance data related to the system (the system could […]

What is the difference between the independent variable-dependent variable-Give examples of each

Reading Assignment (20 points): Statistics for Evidence-based Practice in Nursing a) Answer the following questions in your own words: i. What is the difference between the independent variable and dependent variable. Give examples of each ii. Differentiate between a discrete variable, continuous variable, qualitative variable and quantitative variable iii. What are some ways to improve […]

What are the mean, median-mode of the distribution? Is the distribution symmetrical, positively skewed-negatively skewed? Why?

200 words and a table Create a distribution of data that consists of 10 scores. Then, create either a frequency table or histogram to present the data. What are the mean, median, and mode of the distribution? Is the distribution symmetrical, positively skewed, or negatively skewed? Why? Which measures of central tendency do you think […]

What measure of central tendency is more appropriate to describe “Sales/SqFt”? Why?

Statistics Analysis In preparation for writing your report to senior management next week, conduct the following descriptive statistics analyses with Microsoft® Excel®. Answer the questions below in your Microsoft® Excel® sheet or in a separate Microsoft® Word document: Insert a new column in the database that corresponds to “Annual Sales.” Annual Sales is the result […]