Discuss the relationship between the characteristics of the traditional college lifestyle which might lead to an enhancement of the opportunity to be victimized.

Topic: Sexual Victimization and Socio-Psychological Factors Paper details: This written assignment requirement is for a paper submitted in APA format, using 12-point font, double-spaced, and attached to the link as a .doc or .docx file. Your assignment must include an introduction, body, and conclusion, and it is anticipated that a thorough examination of this topic […]

Identify a topic in cognitive psychology of interest to you,Write an original proposal describing the historic and recent background on the topic

The purpose of the second assignment is to give you experience researching a topic and identifying areas of current research in need of development. As such, you will be required identify a topic in cognitive psychology of interest to you, research primary literature on the topic, and write an original proposal describing the historic and […]