Write a two-page essay discussing how it fits into the historical context of World War II.

Primary Source Review Choose one of the sources from the “IN THEIR OWN WORDS” sections of Chapter 29. Research that primary source document in more depth and write a two-page essay discussing how it fits into the historical context of World War II. Your essay should be a minimum of 300 words (include introduction, body, […]

What specific language does Smith use in an attempt to make her ideas more appealing? What historical context does she fold into her review? What imagery does she evoke? Does she draw on anyone famous to support her argument?

Rhetorical Analysis Your task is to read Smith’s essay and break it down into its parts. How does Smith attempt to persuade you toward her position on the film? Consider the types of evidence and examples she provide. What specific language does Smith use in an attempt to make her ideas more appealing? What historical […]

Explain the usefulness of specific primary sources to the research project Module at a Glance

6-1 Project 2: Historical Context and Introduction Learning Objective Analyze secondary sources.Develop an introduction to the research project Explain the usefulness of specific primary sources to the research project Module at a Glance This is the recommended plan for completing the reading assignments and activities within the module. Additional information can be found in the […]

Discuss Ronald Reagan’s “tear down this wall” speech

• Critical Essay should be 3-5 typed pages, double spaced, with one inch margins • Identify the author and article in the opening paragraph • Include an introduction to establish the background & historical context • Identify the author’s thesis and show how he/she supported that thesis • Include whether you agree or disagree with […]