Briefly explain how that philosopher would view his action-Would that philosopher approver or disapprove, and why?

A hidden life Franz Jägerstätter chose to defy the Third Reich by refusing to take an oath of allegiance to Hitler and his regime.  Choose one of the philosopher’s that we have studied this semester and briefly explain how that philosopher would view his action.  Would that philosopher approver or disapprove, and why? Briefly explain […]

Which of the issues mentioned concern you the most? Which concern you the least?

What do you think about the Paul Kennedy thesis?Does it make sense?How do you see it applying in various countries?What would an alternative explanation be to describe why some countries get so powerful? Think about the three main forms of government that basically became standardized after the First World War –Communism (i.e., U.S.S.R.), Fascism (Italy […]

Compare Stalin and Hitler and then proceed to explain which dictator was the most destructive and ruthless in your opinion.

Compare Stalin and Hitler and then proceed to explain which dictator was the most destructive and ruthless in your opinion. Please be detailed and use examples. Please allow your answer to be 200-250 words. That is around a page double spaced.