How is forgiveness both a process and a decision-How does a person decide to forgive?

How is forgiveness both a process and a decision? How does a person decide to forgive? How has forgiveness or lack of forgiveness impacted your life? What are some of the important things you learned about forgiveness and how to apply it to your own life? read chapter 10 of your text and do research […]

Do other cultures approach gender differences in culture as discussed above in the same way as the Western culture-How important is cross-cultural communication?

On page 68 of the text, the author’s state, “Gender, both whom we understand ourselves, and other, to be, has an impact on conflict behavior because it is so fundamental. We are socialized into our gender clubs” (Hocker, et. al., 2022, pg 68). How do you see this play out in our society? Does your […]