What messages, emotions, or ideas will you take away from this film? Why?

Paper 2 Topic: Preserving History – New Technology and A Holocaust Survivor https://www.nytimes.com/video/opinion/100000005201010/116-cameras.html?src=vidm Why is it important to preserve eyewitnesses to history? How important are their stories? What will be lost if we can’t? What moments in this film stood out for you? Why? Anything that challenged what you know  or thought you knew? What […]

How does expanding the ‘boundaries’ of the Holocaust outside of continental Europe, and to include North Africa, change our understanding of this historical event?

2 paragraphs needed for each question please and we can only use information from the following links and attached pdfs. https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/labor-and-internment-camps-in-north-africa?series=17972 https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/anti-jewish-legislation-in-north-africa https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/jews-of-the-maghreb-on-the-eve-of-world-war-ii?series=17972 Question 1. What varieties of “resistance” do we see manifest in the three primary sources assigned this week? Question 2. How does expanding the ‘boundaries’ of the Holocaust outside of continental Europe, […]

What is the most important reason that the historical events described in the lecture led to the Holocaust?

Discussion Post 11 Did Spielberg and “Schindler’s List” have a historical obligation to show the horrific experiences of European Jews during the Holocaust? (Highlight two to three specific examples from the film that demonstrate the larger historical purpose of those scenes.) What is the most important reason that the historical events described in the lecture […]

How does the poem relate to the bigger picture of the Holocaust? How effective is the poem in relating the Holocaust to readers?

Topic: The Holocaust Option 1: Poetry Select any 2 poems about the Holocaust. You can select from the following list of poets/poems or conduct additional research on Holocaust poetry. Make sure to get approval from your instructor if you are selecting something not on the list. Click on the link to see the list. the […]

Does the science, like the carbon atom, give us hope, or does it act as a God- substitute, where God has failed us-some interesting combination of effects?

How can science work both as a positive (even dangerously utopian) discourse positing human perfectibility and the order of Nature, and as a dangerously impersonal, dehumanizing discourse that allowed for millions of human “specimens” to be experimented on, and then exterminated during the Holocaust? What does it mean for Levi to turn to science to […]

What precedents did the Nazis draw upon in formulating their genocidal plan-actions-What was unique about their plan?

Nazi Germany Essay Answer these 2 questions in about a page each. No more than 700 words for each question. There is a book called Question 1: Word limit: 700 words How did a democracy become a dictatorship? What was at the core of Nazi ideology? Why were many Germans attracted to Nazism and why […]

What is the strategic planners’ emphasis in designing the nuclear response system and its procedures? Is it generally defensive-offensive in its posture?

In Failsafe, what is the strategic planners’ emphasis in designing the nuclear response system and its procedures? Is it generally defensive or offensive in its posture? Which inclination has been more thoroughly thought out? The will to attack or the inclination towards avoiding participation in nuclear holocaust?

What are the messages that the author wants to convey on each of these levels?

Holocaust When preparing the response on Kassow’s book, please consider the following:The book is written on three levels. It functions as a biography of Emanuel Ringelblum, as a history of the Holocaust (in Warsaw, at least), and as a consideration of the role of the historian in history. To what extent are they separate from […]