How will the material on a Homeland Security issue impact your future in Homeland Security?

Write your opinion on legal and regulatory issues associated with WMD response. Its topics include associated public law, reporting authorities, jurisdictional and functional issues that govern organizational, technical, medical, scientific, moral/ethical issues, and, other aspects of response without using the first or second person. Some simple brainstorming techniques for writing reflection papers can involve you […]

Should the United States Secret Service have been moved from the Treasury Department to DHS?

Discussion Post We have read about the creation of the Department of Homeland Security, combining 22 different agencies with homeland security/homeland defense functions, into one department with one mission: keeping all of us safe. In not more than two (2) paragraphs, answer the following question: Should the United States Secret Service have been moved from […]

How effective has the PATRIOT Act proved to be in preventing attacks in the homeland?

The USA PATRIOT Act was a comprehensive response to the 9/11 attack. It has been modified several times since its adoption. Considering the current state of the Act’s provisions, discuss the following points in an 8–10-slide PowerPoint presentation: Describe how the PATRIOT Act increased the authority of law enforcement agencies in fighting terrorism. Critically analyze […]

What terrorist tactics are likely to become more prevalent in the future, and what can be done to counter these tactics?

Topic: Homeland/ Global Security For each question, prepare a one-page response (typed and double-spaced). Prompt Do you see any evidence of confusion regarding the definition, roles, and constitutional questions associated with Homeland Security? The attacks of 9-11 and the subsequent investigations uncovered a number of deficiencies in U.S. preparation and counter-terrorism efforts. What were some […]

What are the larger lessons learned from this local event for the homeland security-emergency management professional?

Managing crisis events requires leaders to have sound decision-making abilities, accountability, and the skills to handle blame. In this reflection paper, you will address these key concepts and offer a solution for a crisis event at the local level. Using the information, you have learned in the Homeland Security and Emergency Management program, write a […]

Why does the problem persist identify the major factors that contribute to the problem’s ongoing presence?

Analyze ways to improve counterterrorism efforts within the U.S. Department of Homeland Security Analyze ways to improve counterterrorism efforts with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. This analysis project requires you to tackle the problem by first exploring it, its causes, and its impacts. Then recommend practical solutions to solve the problem. Here are questions […]

What domestic intelligence collection efforts would be best utilized on the organization you selected?

1. Introduction: Develop a research paper to address domestic intelligence collection and analysis of your selected terrorist group from your Red Cell Midterm Assignment. Building on the information that you started in your midterm, prepare a new research paper that addresses which intelligence collection disciplines and agencies are essential to effectively collect on and analyze […]

Describe the obsession with social media-explain three types of fraud that are threats to your personal security.

Tech & Cybersecurity in Homeland Describe the obsession with social media and explain three types of fraud that are threats to your personal security. What can be done individually to protect your account from these threats? Students may utilize additional resources as long as they are credible and cited.

Explain what obligations the U.S. government related to homeland and national security has towards its citizens and how these obligations impact individual and group rights.

American governement Provide real-world examples to support your explanation, including one personal example from your own experiences. Using your personal example, explain the position of the two major parties and a third party, regarding the example you presented.