Discuss challenges facing FEMA responding to disasters. What strategies should be taken to lessen these challenges?

Complete a briefing paper on the following: Should the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) recommend to the President and Congress to remove the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) from the DHS structure and make it an independent agency of the US Executive Branch? Discuss challenges facing FEMA responding to disasters. What strategies should be […]

What are your thoughts on the three strategic goals-do you agree with the list of essential capabilities?

M8D1 As homeland security and emergency management communities look toward the future, planning will focus on strategies for crisis response and disaster resilience. Faced with increasing complexity, these professionals must create road maps for the development of realistic capabilities, models, tools, and partnerships. Review the following FEMA documents and respond to the questions that follow: […]

How did the material on a Homeland Security issue affect you-Did your learning about the material on a Homeland Security issue change your mind about something-If so, how.

Reflection Paper 6 The goal of this paper for you to write your opinion on a Homeland Security issue that we did not previously cover in this course without using first or second person. This paper is your opinion, and as such, it is your job to express your thoughts in a manner that is […]

How did the material on Critical Infrastructure Protection affect you-Did your learning about the material on Critical Infrastructure Protection change your mind about something-If so, how.

Reflection Paper 4 The goal of this paper for you to write your opinion on Critical Infrastructure Protection without using first or second person. This paper is your opinion, and as such, it is your job to express your thoughts in a manner that is comprehensible and clear for any and all readers. Feel free […]

What are the evaluative criteria for a case study and for a policy paper in general-the homeland security community in particular?

Challange 2 policy paper and wrap up Challenge 2: Practical Assessment of Homeland Security Analytical Writing Case studies and policy papers (summaries of research and analysis that is relevant to real-world decision making in the public sector of homeland security) are common and useful tools in any government domain, including homeland security. In this challenge, […]