Discuss how examining social issues from more than one social science field contributes to understanding society.

Income Disparity in the United States -Income Disparity in the U.S. (Low Wages and Minimum Wage, Working Poor, Homelessness, Unemployment) Disciplines: -Sociology -Economics Your final paper should include the following: A brief discussion of your social issue, and how it rises to the level of social concern. A brief discussion of each of the social […]

What sorts of policies or programs would be helpful for young people facing homelessness?

Adolescents homelessness What are the developmental implications of being homeless during adolescence? Consider the possible implications across various domains such as mental health, physical health, education, and family relationships. Which theoretical perspective, as discussed in the Haber & Toro article, do you think makes the most sense for helping us understand the developmental implications of […]

Write a paper on homelessness and addiction use three different academic articles and write  no more than two pages paper and cite where you got the information.

Topic: Homelessness and Addiction Write a paper on homelessness and addiction use three different academic articles and write  no more than two pages paper and cite where you got the information.  

Do they see the positives in everything, or are they a bit more realistic?

What Will Life Be Like In 2050? Will we find solutions to the problems we face today, like poverty and homelessness? Will technology enrich our lives further or be the cause of new issues? Many young students often think about the future, and this topic allows them to let their imagination run loose. This way […]

How to alert them, how to reach them in social media posts with examples-what recovery issues may need to be considered for them etc

In this class we have been talking about vulnerable groups and we want to have the final assignment a compilation of what you have found about your chosen group. In a 3 page apa formatted paper discuss the things you have learned about your vulnerable groups and have been talking about in your discussions. You […]

Describe/define the problem Discuss its effect on education and teachers

How Changes in Society Affect Education Choose ONE area (listed below) as an area of focus for your paper. Topics to choose: Family structure School violence (and/or bullying) Changes in students and sexuality Socioeconomics: poverty & homelessness Your 2-page reflection should include: Describe/define the problem Discuss its effect on education and teachers Your personal reflections […]

Discuss areas in which you might agree and/or disagree with this theory and how you might find it useful in your role as a social worker.

Homelessness In a brief paper, i.e., no more than three double-spaced pages using a 12-point font, apply critical race theory to a current social situation of your choice, e.g., homelessness, unemployment, teenage pregnancy, domestic violence, elder abuse. -Discuss areas in which you might agree and/or disagree with this theory and how you might find it […]

Discuss how homelessness affects populations that social workers serve.

Submit a 3 page paper in APA format (7th ed) that addresses how homelessness affects populations that social workers serve. In addition to a minimum of six scholarly references, which may include electronic government documents and reputable websites, your paper should include: • A description of homelessness and any known causes or explanations for the […]