What blood tests are appropriate for a patient with a suspected acute liver injury?

The liver is a complex organ with many contributions to homeostasis that are often not appreciated until liver function declines. The liver has the capacity to rebound and regenerate after a variety of acute chemically or virally induced insults, but it is vulnerable to chronic chemical or infectious damage. What blood tests are appropriate for […]

What general principles are involved in the protection provided by the innate and adaptive immune systems?

The immune system is exceedingly complex in its constituent cells, molecules, and signaling pathways. Each major component of the immune system is critical for survival; immune activity protects against infections that would quickly be lethal without immune defenses and eliminates cells in the stages of cancerous transformation. Two scholarly article citation APA format What is […]

How will her body try to bring her blood pressure back to homeostasis?

A 29-year-old female develops sepsis and, as a consequence, she experiences profound vasodilation. a) What effect does vasodilation have on the after load? Explain why. b) What effect does vasodilation have on blood pressure? Explain why. How will her body try to bring her blood pressure back to homeostasis?

How will her body try to bring her blood pressure back to homeostasis?

A 29-year-old female develops sepsis and, as a consequence, she experiences profound vasodilation. a) What effect does vasodilation have on the afterload? Explain why. b) What effect does vasodilation have on blood pressure? Explain why. How will her body try to bring her blood pressure back to homeostasis?  

Identify and explain a specific function of the cell membrane that you feel is the most important in achieving homeostasis.

D3b Consider cell structure and functions, and the organization and function of the human body. When viewed together, this implies the functions of the human body are dependent upon cellular activity. Explain why this would be correct. An important cellular structure is the cell (plasma) membrane. Identify and explain a specific function of the cell […]

Demonstrates an understanding of the pathological changes, clinical features-assessment of acute and long-term medical conditions/disorders.

Diabetes Pre hospital care Using 1 power point slide create a poster/teaching aid that 1 Demonstrates a detailed knowledge and understanding of human anatomy and physiology including all major body systems, structure, function, and homeostasis. 2 Demonstrates an understanding of the pathological changes, clinical features and assessment of acute and long-term medical conditions/disorders. 3 Analyses […]

Describe the processes of maintenance of blood gas homeostasis.

Description RESPIRATORY ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. Describe the processes of maintenance of blood gas homeostasis You should include descriptions of the anatomy and physiology of blood gas concentration detection, the drive for and control of ventilation, the processes of ventilation itself, gas exchange, and the maintenance of good ventilation/perfusion ratio. Must be concise in description.

Describe the changes in volume and pressure that will be occurring in Jane’s chest cavity to achieve exhalation during a long run. Explain why these changes are occurring, and the effect upon airflow.

Case Study: Jane Jane is a 38yo marathon runner who has presented to her GP clinic after completing a training run. She trains three days per week, and has experienced light-headedness, and significant muscle pain after her last three runs.Whilst talking to the clinic nurse, Jane admits to feeling lethargic, and like her “heart is […]

Discuss,After doing the reading and researching this ability of all living organisms, how would you explain this to another person?

topic is homeostasis. After doing the reading and researching this ability of all living organisms, how would you explain this to another person? Please give an example relating it to one of the organ systems of the body.