What can, and should those merchant buyers do with the non-conforming goods?

HINTS FOR SALES EXAM: CH.21-24 Class, for the exam you might want to focus on merchant buyer’s remedies for breach of contract of a merchant seller, entrusting/entrustment, void and voidable title and bona fide purchaser aka good faith purchaser. Know what the difference is between a “void” and “voidable” title/transaction? Does a bona fide purchaser aka […]

What is the likely outcome of Rocknoll v. Bell? Why? What are the likely damages?

Fact Pattern Brian Rocknoll owns a small outdoor supply store in Bloomington, Indiana. He is also an avid funk music fan. His store is called “Tent-It-And-Quit-It”, or TIAQI (tee-ah-qui) as the locals call it. He just placed a rather large order of several thousand custom tents, camp chairs, and blankets from a wholesaler called Eastlake […]

Explain the difference between formal and informal methods of adjudication.

Administrative Law Explain the three basic functions of administrative agencies. • Distinguish among the three types of rules promulgated by administrative agencies. • Explain the difference between formal and informal methods of adjudication. • Identify (1) the questions of law determined by a court in conducting a review of a rule or an order of […]

Describe the sources and extent of the power of the Federal and State governments to regulate business and commerce.

Constitutional Law• Explain the basic principles of constitutional law. • Describe the sources and extent of the power of the Federal and State governments to regulate business and commerce. • Distinguish the three levels of scrutiny used by the courts to determine the constitutionality ofgovernment action. • Explain the effect of the First Amendment on […]

Distinguish among exclusive Federal jurisdiction,concurrent Federal jurisdiction, and exclusive State jurisdiction

Civil Dispute Resolution • List and describe the courts in the Federal court system and in a typical State court system. • Distinguish among exclusive Federal jurisdiction,concurrent Federal jurisdiction, and exclusive State jurisdiction. • Distinguish among (1) subject matter jurisdiction and jurisdiction over the parties and (2) the three types of jurisdiction over the parties. […]

Describe cost-benefit analysis and explain when it should be used and when it should be avoided.

Business Ethics and the Social Responsibility of Business Describe the differences between law and ethics. • List and contrast the various ethical theories. • Describe cost-benefit analysis and explain when it should be used and when it should be avoided. • Explain Kohlberg’s stages of moral development. • Explain the ethical responsibilities of business.

Why do you think Madame periodically selects the “best” offerings?

Link for the book https://www.swgs.wilts.sch.uk/wp-content/uploads/2… Consider the relationship our various characters have to art. What does it mean to them? Why? Further, why do you think the students are encouraged to produce art for trade? Why do you think Madame periodically selects the “best” offerings? Given the nature of the school and who (and what) […]

Distinguish between (1) substantive and procedural law, (2) public and private law, and (3) civil and criminal law.

Introduction to Law• Identify and describe the basic functions of law. • Distinguish between (1) law and justice and (2) law and morals. • Distinguish between (1) substantive and procedural law, (2) public and private law, and (3) civil and criminal law. • Identify and describe the sources of law. • Explain the principle of […]

Share your observations and takeaways of this week’s learning objectives as they relate to  nursing role.

Managing in Competitive, Monopolistic, and Monopolistically Competitive Markets Share your observations and takeaways of this week’s learning objectives as they relate to  nursing role. Your initial post should comprise a minimum of 250 words supported by at least two (2) scholarly peer-reviewed references. See the following shorts videos:  

Do you think that your personality type and traits have a positive or a negative impact on your work relationship with others?

Personality and Values and Perception and Individual decision making As you learn more about personalities and traits, how would you describe your own personality? Do you think that your personality type and traits have a positive or a negative impact on your work relationship with others? How do you deal with individuals who may have […]