What types of data would be most useful in creating a criminal profile?

Criminal profiling specifically for arson and serial homicide offenders has been a technique used by the FBI since the late 1970s. To produce a criminal profile for an unknown suspect, profilers use various types of collected data to make assumptions and conclusions about the case at hand. In a 750-1,000-word essay, identify a real-life example […]

Identify social influences on homicide based on global statistics

4.1 Compare murder with forms of assault 4.2 Explain the differences in murder demographics 4.3 Differentiate homicide patterns by socioeconomic class 4.4 Characterize different forms of homicide 4.5 Differentiate between mass and serial murders 4.6 Describe the social profile of serial killers 4.7 Identify social influences on homicide based on global statistics 4.8 Evaluate factors […]

Explain how deductive and inductive approaches differ and how each are used in criminal investigations.

Wk 3 – Summative Assessment: Problem-Solving Methodologies in Criminal Exam Content In Weeks 2 and 3, you learned about the use of deductive and inductive reasoning as problem-solving methodologies commonly used in criminal justice. In this summative assessment, you evaluate the use of the scientific method in criminal investigations and explain how deductive and inductive […]

Discuss the methods used to impose criminal liability on children under the age of seven and between ages seven and fourteen. Should the methods be different?

Every question minimum qualifications: 250-word count ( personal academic point of view no resources needed other than the ones already provided) 1 Discuss the methods used to impose criminal liability on children under the age of seven and between ages seven and fourteen. Should the methods be different? 2 What prompted the change in most […]

Do people feel more relaxed after participating in mindless activities?

Module 1 Discussion: Research History & Developing a Research Question Develop a research question that you would like to study in this course.Be sure your research question is appropriate, information can be collected quickly, you do not ask about mental health symptoms, suicide, or homicide (any issues where you might cause harm, put people at […]

Are there aspects of your plan that depend on the subject matter (e.g., a homicide vs. a kidnapping)? If so, what are they? If not, what are they?

How to plan for an interview or interrogation Your discussion of planning should distinguish between planning for an interview from planning for an interrogation, as well as planning for the interview that turns into an interrogation. Are there aspects of your plan that depend on the subject matter (e.g., a homicide vs. a kidnapping)? If […]

What are some of the other alternatives to a life sentence in prison-Are they appropriate given the violent nature of this crime?

Part 1 Suspect Hopkins is now being sentenced to life in prison for his involvement in the robbery. The State’s Attorney has taken into consideration Keith Hopkins’ cooperation in the investigation, as well as his remorse for the victims. In the adversarial system, both sides (prosecution and defense) represent their party’s positions before an impartial […]

What alternative punishments might be appropriate (if any)-Does the death penalty deter others from committing similar crimes?

After completing a thorough investigation into the robbery and serving your search warrant, both of your suspects were found guilty at trial. The next step of the Criminal Justice System (the sentencing phase) will begin. Because victim Roberts was shot in the head and killed, the State is seeking the death penalty for Steve Chapman. […]

What time period are you looking for this study or have some previous research been done within a certain bracket of time?

Economic factors that influence youth to engage in Crime in Canada Feedback: Your question is an interesting one, here are some things to review to improve on this: The topic and question are rather broad. It is helpful to pick either Canada or the United States? Judging from the research problem you outlined, your question […]