Discuss how the nurse mentor can promote professional socialization in the workplace.

The phrase “nurses eat their young” has been around for decades. The consequences of bullying include nurses reporting poorer mental health, decreased collaboration with team members, ineffective communication, reduced work productivity, and poor job commitment. Do you feel bullying or horizontal violence is an issue in the clinical environment? Why or why not? Discuss how […]

How does Horizontal Violence impact self-care, patient care, and other members of the healthcare team?

Module 6. Discussion Board. Professional Identity. Use the link below to access background information of the video. Azariev, M., Darkwah, A., Hope-Gilpo, M., Langille, J., Moodie, K., & Reid, Thomas, B. (2011) What is Horizontal Violence . Read the proceeding article What is Horizontal Violence and watch the video. https://horizontalviolence.wordpress.com/ (Links to an external site.) […]