Should you contact the people who wrote the comments-What do you say or do?

Hospitality Question Read the Case: Comments, (pages 205-206 of the textbook) Answer the following questions: What actions should Louise take? Would you share the comments on the cards with your staff ? Should you contact the people who wrote the comments? What do you say or do?  

What legal issues does HR face, and how do they avoid them?

You have been offered an internship at a local resort. Devise your own job rotation to maximize your development in the three-month placement. Include the three (3) corporate strategies in your discussion. How many jobs does hospitality provide in the United States? What legal issues does HR face, and how do they avoid them? Your […]

Explain how this poor situation could have been handled better perhaps in a way that would have made you give the establishment a second chance or even a recommendation.

This week has focused on customer service, guest relations, and human interaction in the hospitality experience. Everyone has a different set of expectations going into any situation, based on past experience and their own preferences. It is not always easy to anticipate guest needs and desires and aim to exceed their expectations. For this discussion, […]

Define the skills, education, and experience a person would need to obtain an entry level position in the industry  perhaps a front desk employee.

First, do some reflection on your career goals and choose a job/career goal, defining your ideal position within the hospitality industry. The essay will focus on describing and explaining the necessary skills and knowledge required or preferred for advancement in the field, from an entry level position to that goal position in management (preferably to […]

What do you think the service industry should be preparing for in a post pandemic world.

Discussion Question: Perhaps one of the greatest opportunities COVID-19 has given us as Hospitality professionals is the ability to pause. When hotels and restaurants are at their busiest, strategic thinkers such as Food Service Managers get bogged down in making hundreds of tactical decisions every day. Subsequently, there is no greater opportunity than “down time” […]

Analyze what reasons she might have to win the case versus what reasons she might have to lose the case, and decide how you would rule and why?

Study Case -Hospitality and Employment Law Joanne Smith was an assistant for a group of male and female writers who created scripts for a popular TV show. During her four months with the show(before she and a male assistant were both terminated for typing too slowly), Smith was required to attend the writers’ lewd brainstorming […]

What are your own experiences/insights related to the future of this topic/issues as related to tourism and hospitality?

Develop a summary SWOT regarding sports tourism for your hometown (or major city close to your hometown). Share at least three bullet points for each SWOT component. Choose 1 sports predictions in the 2022 PwC Sports Outlook, and discuss how the topic/issue you chose impacts tourism and hospitality from your perspective. Why is the topic/issue […]