Highlight the new hospitality offer’s competitive advantage.

Topic: Project Plan This is group work on a project plan where your group needs to develop a business proposal for a new hospitality offer. This new hospitality offer needs to be linked to particular consumer needs. Highlight the new hospitality offer’s competitive advantage. This will be a comprehensive and convincing report on what you […]

Explain why the project failed and what you think needed to be done to make it successful.

Unit 7 discussion Project management is essential for the operations in various industries such as information technology, hospitality, engineering, and others. Discuss a project you were involved in that was not successful. Explain why the project failed and what you think needed to be done to make it successful. This can be a project from […]

How did this childhood perspective fit into the faith tradition you chose to delve into for hospitality.

DISCUSSION POST WEEK 3 You will write your story-from your perspective as a child (this means something you remember as a child), of how hospitality was or was not shown to you or your family. How did this childhood perspective fit into the faith tradition you chose to delve into for hospitality. Then you will […]

What business are you in, who are your customers-what do they want-Why is it that we find society has not made progress-is asking the same questions that were brought up in 1960?

Hospitality Marketing This assignment is to write-up a response to the notion that the key points of marketing myopia are as relevant and likely MORE SO now than they were in 1960 when the article was published. Be specific (dig deep) and use examples to make your points clear and supported. Make your linkage to […]

Discuss a project you were involved in that was not successful-Explain why the project failed-what you think needed to be done to make it successful.

Project management is essential for the operations in various industries such as information technology, hospitality, engineering, and others. Discuss a project you were involved in that was not successful. Explain why the project failed and what you think needed to be done to make it successful. This can be a project from work or a […]

Briefly share any new career paths you were unaware of prior to this class and your overall impression.

It’s about hospitality Hospitality as a Career Path Have you gained insight about hospitality this semester that has helped you decide about pursuing a career in hospitality? What has been most impactful in this decision and why? Briefly share any new career paths you were unaware of prior to this class and your overall impression. […]

Which current trends do you find most interesting in the hospitality industry?

Your essay will tell us a great deal about you, and it will also enable us to assess your analytical skills and determine whether you can organize your thoughts and express them clearly.  We expect you to produce an interesting personal account for your selected topic. “Which current trends do you find most interesting in […]

Discuss on a contemporary topic or issue within the hospitality industry.

Description i. Formulate an appropriate research aim and set of objectives, in relation to a contemporary topic/issue to be researched. ii. Demonstrate the ability to develop a theoretical framework and literature review, in relation to the chosen topic area. iii. Demonstrate an ability to plan and design a proposed research methodology; evaluating, selecting and designing […]

-Critically evaluate current research carried out on graduate employability and attributes within tourism, hospitality, aviation and event industries. What type of skills and attributes lead to graduate success and how do these relate to the industry or sector you are seeking employment in?

Description Assessment 1: Self-Reflective Essay Critically evaluate your own personal and professional development. Your essay should include the following: 1-Critically evaluate current research carried out on graduate employability and attributes within tourism, hospitality, aviation and event industries. What type of skills and attributes lead to graduate success and how do these relate to the industry […]