How transgendered workers are treated in the workplace is just one example of where employee rights and managerial rights interact related to the goal of creating safe and supportive work environments. What are the lessons related to employee and managerial rights that can be attributed to the development of the guide described in the video story?

Video Clip SynopsisHugh Mackenzie, a research associate for the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, discusses the contentious topic of CEO compensation. The Centre’s study reveals that Canada’s top 100 highest paid CEOs earned an average of $9.5 million last year, compared to the average annual salary of a full‐time Canadian worker, which was $49,510. Mackenzie […]

Compare and contrast water perfused and solid state systems.

Description Upper Gastrointestinal Physiology Most departments now use High Resolution Manometry (HRM) as their standard manometric system and these are either water perfused or solid state. Compare and contrast water perfused and solid state systems. Your discussion should include: • Cost / finance including consumables • Infection control • Technicalities such as calibration, normal values […]

What are the different conceptual approaches International Human Resource Management (HRM) takes when examining HRM in an international context. Illustrate your answer with references to conceptual ideas and empirical evidence from the literature.

Question 1: What are the different conceptual approaches International Human Resource Management (HRM) takes when examining HRM in an international context. Illustrate your answer with references to conceptual ideas and empirical evidence from the literature. ~1,000 words. Question 2: “Globalisation means that eventually HR policy and practice will converge into a single ‘best practice’ everywhere […]

Explore the evolution of the HR function and the impact of the business partner model. Evaluate the current position of the employee champion role and consider ways this can be enhanced through HRM activities. You should analyse the challenges and enablers to the HR function adopted the position of employee champion

Description Task information In your groups you should prepare a 15-minute presentation that explores the impact of the Ulrich-inspired business partner model on how the HR function can support employee well-being and their needs. You should first conduct an analysis of the evolution to the business partner model and the impact on the employee champion […]

Write an academic essay addressing the essay questions and critically debating the topic. Discuss implications for HRM processes and identify contextual elements relevant to the topic.

ASSIGNMENT TWO: ACADEMIC ESSAY Due date: DUE MON 12th October @ 1pm MARKS: /30 (30% of final grade) WORD LIMIT: 2000 words (+ or – 10%) ASSIGNMENT BRIEF: Write an academic essay addressing the essay questions and critically debating the topic. Discuss implications for HRM processes and identify contextual elements relevant to the topic. Why […]

How would HRM differ in GoJet beyond issues of pay, what problems might you foresee and what plans would you suggest to support this new ‘product’?

Assignment tasks Assess Air National’s current strategy in relation to its external and competitive environment and how HRM in the organization supports this. How would HRM differ in GoJet beyond issues of pay, what problems might you foresee and what plans would you suggest to support this new ‘product’? Guidance The analysis of the environmental […]

Discuss HR functions within a performance management system that contribute to effective training and development.

The primary function of HRM is to increase the effectiveness and contribution of employees attaining organizational goals and objectives. Consider all the areas of HRM that have been discussed in this course: Performance management Human resources planning, recruitment, and selection Human resources development Compensation and benefits Employment and labor laws and regulations In your final […]

How and why should HR strategy align with the organization’s direction as a whole, such as organizational culture and strategy?

Consider the following scenario: You have been asked to chair a seminar at a Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) conference focused on current thinking in strategic HRM. As you consider the topic you’d like to present, you recall the last few interviews you conducted when hiring a candidate for an HR managerial position at […]

Explain the role of Human Resource Management in organizations today. Which competencies do you consider core for your organization and why?

HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Written Assignment Your paper should consider various models of Human Resources and the variety of roles HRM plays within an organization.  In your paper, address the following questions: Explain the role of Human Resource Management in organizations today. Which competencies do you consider core for your organization and why? Which core competencies […]

Explain how you could create a diverse team of employees with different strengths. Use scenarios to convey your idea.

Assignment 3: Developing Your Team Due Week 9 and worth 200 points Imagine you’ve been promoted to a management position and you are tasked with developing your new team. In this assignment you will create a writeup that depicts the different elements that need to be addressed as you assemble your team. Write a three […]