How do the townspeople react to the murder-What do the townspeople think should be done?

Lesson 13: Huckleberry Finn Chapters XXI — XXIII (21-23) Choose TWO of the following questions to answer. Each answer should use specific quotes from the book. Describe the murder of Boggs. How do the townspeople react to the murder? What do the townspeople think should be done? What are your thoughts about this event? Carefully […]

Does freedom mean the same thing to all of the characters?

The word “free” is used dozens of times in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Free has different meanings throughout this book. Does freedom mean the same thing to all of the characters? In what context does freedom mean to specific characters? Describe and analyze what freedom means. Compare and contrast what freedom means between characters. […]

what ways are people gullible-What makes them gullible-Explain your answer

In Chapters 24 and 25, Twain satirizes the gullibility of the townspeople who believe an imposter like the king, but, ironically, do not believe Dr. Robinson. In this forum, write 3 paragraphs comparing the gullibility of the townspeople to people in today’s world. In what ways are people gullible? What makes them gullible? Explain your […]