How does Hurston’s story, the characters, and situations in it compare in its objectives to what Hughes talks about in the essay?

In a 2-3page, double spaced written reflection in essay format, answer the question: How does Hurston’s writing of the story of Their Eyes Were Watching God seem to represent and manifest the concept of the “racial mountain” as defined by Hughes? How does Hurston’s story, the characters, and situations in it compare in its objectives […]

What are some of the key symbols or metaphors in the poem, and how are they used to convey meaning to the reader?

Symbolism and Metaphor in Four Poets’ Work: Brooks, Dickinson, Frost, and Hughes By the due date assigned, post a one- or two-paragraph response of at least 150-200 words to the Discussion Area. By the end of Week 2, comment on at least two of your classmates’ submissions. Prompt: Choose a poem to analyze from this […]

Have you taught your students how to collect and organize data-What methods worked well for you?

Data Collection from Preschooler Roblyer & Hughes (2019) discuss the importance and use of data collection and analysis in Chapter 4. Address examples of how you collect data from your students and how you use that data. Have you taught your students how to collect and organize data? What methods worked well for you?(at least […]

Discuss,Langston Hughes’ poem “Harlem” poses a question: “What happens to a dream deferred?” Why do you think Lorraine Hansberry chose this poem as the epigraph for A Raisin in the Sun? Write an essay in which you discuss the various “dreams” that come into conflict in the play. Which “dream” does the play seem to endorse? Does it ultimately answer Hughes’s question?  

Raisin in the Sun Essay Instructions Write a clear, well-developed, precise research essay on one of the following topics on Lorraine Hansberry’s Raisin in the Sun. Make sure you identify which topic you chose by writing under your title #1 or #2 to indicate which topic you selected to write about in your essay. Topic […]