If animals are not rational, and Kant’s ethics only extends over rational creatures, do you think Kant takes animals wellbeing into account in his ethics?

A Short discussion Kant’s ethics extends over all rational creatures. Do you think birds and mice have the same kind of rationality that we do? Things to consider: Can birds and mice understand mathematics? Do you think humans are the only rational animal? If animals are not rational, and Kant’s ethics only extends over rational […]

What are the factors contributing to poor control of food intake in humans

  Fundamentals Concepts in Food and Nutrition  PHC 241   In order to support individuals in eating healthy during self-quarantine and isolation, which could positively reflect on physical and mental wellbeing, in your opinion   1. What are the guidelines for healthy eating food? 2. What are the factors contributing to poor control of food […]

Does the extent to which culture allows modern humans to avoid selection for physical traits that better adapt us for extreme environments make us more or less adaptive in the Darwinian sense?

Topic: Does the extent to which culture allows modern humans to avoid selection for physical traits that better adapt us for extreme environments make us more or less adaptive in the Darwinian sense?

How does Dickinson employ personification in this poem? How, by making objects act as humans, does she change the reader’s experience reading her work?Discuss

Assignment details Essay 3 calls for students to discuss personification techniques used in Emily Dickinson’s poem “Because I Could Not Stop for Death.” How does Dickinson employ personification in this poem? How, by making objects act as humans, does she change the reader’s experience reading her work? Writing requirements Students will use a minimum of 2 quotes from the text to back […]

Discuss how the principles of behavior apply across all organisms (animals and humans alike), and incorporate how learning seen in humans, although more complex, does not differ from learning observed in other species.

Discuss how the principles of behavior apply across all organisms (animals and humans alike), and incorporate how learning seen in humans, although more complex, does not differ from learning observed in other species.

Discuss the relationship of the self to interactions with the environment through social cognition, social attention, and social heuristics.

Humans interact with the environment through social cognition, social attention, and social heuristics. The self distinctly influence each of these environmental interactions. In this assignment, you will explore the relationship of the self to interactions with the environmental through social cognition, social attention, and social heuristics. General Requirements: Use the following information to ensure successful […]