What sorts of information-data do they gather?-How do they go about gathering information in ways that are distinctive to this field?

PURPOSE: One of my goals in this course is to introduce students to critical thinking. One important usage of critical thinking is to be able to analyze the logic of an assignment, a chapter, a textbook, or even a scientific discipline such as psychology. Intellectual humility involves the ability to distinguish between learning that is […]

what percentage of the book was read in preparation for this discussion?

Humility Book Review After reading the book Humility, post an initial thread to include the follow (use separate bolded section titles or paragraphs to break up the post showing where each point is addressed): Approximately, what percentage of the book was read in preparation for this discussion? What is Murray’s central thesis in the book? […]

What is Humility?..what is love according to Dr. Jordan B. Peterson?

Subject: Other Topic: Christian marriage Paper details: 1. From the syllabus: In your own words, what is this course about? 2. From the syllabus: In your own words, what are the main objectives of the course? 3. From the syllabus: what is love according to Dr. Jordan B. Peterson? What is Humility? Please use the […]