Describe the types of humor you observed-what you believe the intended purpose of the humor was in the moment;

Exercise Class: Communication across Culture Style : APA This week you will apply the construct of framing humor through observations in your own professional or personal life. Observe a typically non-humorous setting (work meeting, church sermon, political speech or some other otherwise normal situation- not a comedy show or funny movie) – for at least […]

Discuss whether humor is an effective mode of critique, given the novel’s western audience—what are the risks of using humor?

4. The White Tiger relies quite a bit on humor and irony to perform its critique. Using at least two examples from the novel, evaluate how humor and/or irony works in service of critique. You must be clear in your essay what the critique is (given the relative absence of a colonial figure in this […]

What is the thesis of the visual argument? What kind of claim is it making? Fact? Value? Judgment? Policy?

Visual Analysis Essay Analyze its thesis, argument and rhetorical elements. Advertising Agency: Terremoto Propaganda, Curitiba, Brazil Include the answers to these questions in your essay: What is the thesis of the visual argument? What kind of claim is it making? Fact? Value? Judgment? Policy? Who is the target audience? What is the context in which […]

What’s more important in the play–its social criticism or its conventional, even conservative structure? Why do you think this?

Topic: What’s more important in the play–its social criticism or its conventional, even conservative structure? Why do you think this? Paper details: Much of the humor in “The Importance of Being Earnest” comes as Wilde makes fun of Victorian culture, with its superficiality and snobbery. But the play does still use the traditional form of […]

Describe the functions of humor that Sanford and Eder observed in their research on how adolescents use humor.

Describe the functions of humor that Sanford and Eder observed in their research on how adolescents use humor. Consider the following: 1. does humor serve the same functions in gatherings of older people? 2. If you and your friends were sharing a meal in what ways would your interactions be the same as or different […]

Demonstrate your understanding of humor devices by performing a “humor hunt.” You will collect five examples of humorous devices that you have encountered. These can come from personal experiences, movies you have seen, books you have read, favorite web sites you visit, or more!

For this assessment you must demonstrate your understanding of humor devices by performing a “humor hunt.” You will collect five examples of humorous devices that you have encountered. These can come from personal experiences, movies you have seen, books you have read, favorite web sites you visit, or more! First, find five examples of humorous devices that you […]