Do some research on the factors causing the increased frequency and intensity of wildfires in California. 

This Written Assignment entails two parts. First, you must do some research on the wildfires in California in recent years.  Second, you must  write  a clear, well-organized paper which answers the questions in Part II  of this assignment, while demonstrating that you have read the material in the modules. First and foremost, we are grading your comprehension […]

How does David Harvey define the concept of “the right to the city”?

What does the policy of -redlining” refer to? What are the ways in which redlining produces urban segregation? Cite at least 1 reading and 1 lecture. How does the case of Hurricane Katrina demonstrate that there is no such thing as a natural disaster”? In your answer, please discuss how Hurricane Katrina reinforced existing race, […]

What are the main/featured takeaways on lessons learned from Hurricane Katrina?

Policing in Natural Disasters For the forum assignment,review the posted research articles and links in the lesson and comment on below listed questions and include other response from your research… • Why is important for policing to prepare for natural disasters? • How effective have police been in natural disasters? • What role does police […]

Describe at least two ways in which the response went well and two ways in which the response plans should be improved for the future.

Choose a public health emergency with a prominent disease aspect. Some examples include the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 (cancer, respiratory disease, etc.), the 2003 SARS-CoV-1 pandemic, Hurricane Katrina (food- and waterborne illness, mold, etc.), the 2009 H1N1 influenza pandemic, the 2014 West Africa Ebola outbreak, the 2020 SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, or another public health […]

What coordination and jurisdictional problems did the emergency response to the Pentagon Attack encounter?

Discussion Questions Topic 1: Emergency Response to the Pentagon Attack What coordination and jurisdictional problems did the emergency response to the Pentagon Attack encounter? Topic 2: Differences in Response for Pentagon attack and Hurricane Katrina To what extent was the response structured differently for the Pentagon attack than for Hurricane Katrina? What factors contributed to this […]

Discuss on the fundamentals of Defense Support of Civil Authorities (DSCA) with respect to Hurricane Katrina.

Provide a research paper on the fundamentals of Defense Support of Civil Authorities (DSCA) with respect to Hurricane Katrina. Please see attached documents. Please ensure you don’t copy and paste information from a source into the essay. Essay needs to be original.

Discuss the formation of FEMA, then describe how the position of FEMA changed following the Post-Katrina Emergency Management Reform Act of 2006.

• Discuss the formation of FEMA, then describe how the position of FEMA changed following the Post-Katrina Emergency Management Reform Act of 2006. • Discuss the intended and unintended outcomes that emerged following FEMA’s incorporation into DHS. • Describe how Hurricane Katrina swung the pendulum back towards natural disasters from a focus on terrorism following […]