What is the chemical reaction that accounts for the color of the solution at STOP TIME?

Experiment 24 Prelaboratory Assignment A Rate Law and Activation Energy Three data plots are required for analyzing the data in this experiment, two plots from the kinetic trials outlined in Table 24.1 and one plot from Part E. From each data plot, a value is determined toward the completion of the analysis of the kinetic […]

How does the molecular motion of the air particles explain your results in Experiment 2

Ex 6 lab 8 Question 1 (10 points) Upload your picture of your Gas Collection Apparatus. To receive credit, your ring stand, graduated cylinder, beaker, all tubing, flask, etc. The oxygen bubbles must be clearly visible in the picture, as well as clear label with your name, the lab title (with Experiment number), and the […]

What extent does an increase in the mass (g) of a catalyst manganese dioxide (Mno2) affect the activation energy in the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)?

To what extent does an increase in the mass (g) of a catalyst manganese dioxide (Mno2) affect the activation energy in the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)?