What are the parameters for monitoring success of the therapy for the first medication?

APharmA3 1. Choose one antihypertensive medication that you would prescribe for patient newly diagnosed with hypertension. Why did you choose this medication? How does this medication work in the body? 2. What would be the choice for second-line therapy? Why? How does this medication work in the body? 3. What are the parameters for monitoring […]

Why did you not select the other two medication options provided in the exercise?

Assessing and Treating Patients With Anxiety Disorder. ( DECISION TREE ASSIGNMENT) CASE STUDY: The Patient is a 46-year-old- white male who works as a welder at a local steel fabrication factory. He presents today after being referred by his primary care physician after a trip to the emergency in which he felt he was having […]

Which antihypertensive agents are recommended for patients with diabetes?

Discussion Question L.N. is a 49-year-old white woman with a history of type 2 diabetes, obesity, hypertension, and migraine headaches. The patient was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes 9 years ago when she presented with mild polyuria and polydipsia. L.N. is 5′4″ and has always been on the large side, with her weight fluctuating between […]

What factors should you consider based on the Mr. D’s age and health history?

Mr. D Consider the scenario below, then follow the instructions underneath it to complete the discussion. If appropriate, support your position with credible resources/examples/evidence and provide APA references. Mr. D is a 90-year-old man who was admitted to the hospital with complaints of nausea, vomiting, left arm pain, and chest pain. An electrocardiogram (ECG) is […]

How would you advocate for this-What type of change might be expected-How will you know when a change has taken place? What might be some obstacles/barriers the population might experience and what would be needed to overcome these?

Week 4 assignment Topic Diaylsis patients who have hypertension who live in san jose california. This week you will consider nursing interventions for key health concerns in your population. Develop evidence-based, culturally appropriate, measurable (SMART) interventions to help your population members maintain an optimal state of health. Include the 3 levels of prevention (primary, secondary, […]

Define pulse, blood pressure, hypertension, systemic and diastolic pressures. Relate these to the case study.

Assignment 8 – Case Study _Atrial Fibrillation Instructions All of us learn by applying what we know, thus this assignment allows you to use terms you learned about the Conductive system, ECG and clinical use of pulse and blood pressure. There is a video as well as several Talon Tutorials to view. Objectives: Define pulse, […]

What medication(s) would your choice be if the patient were African American-why?

Advanced Pharmacology Answer the following case study. Must use APA 7 format and references within 5 years KF is a 62 yo Caucasian male diagnosed with hypertension. He has had a BP in the high 170s/high 80’s for several months. All labs have been normal. What medication(s) would you initiate therapy and why? What medication(s) […]

What interventions should be initiated to promote optimal functioning, safety-well-being of the patient?

Discussion Intraabdominal hypertension and abdominal compartment syndrome are diagnosed. Questions In your initial post, respond to the following: · What major priorities do you expect to achieve for this patient? · What interventions should be initiated to promote optimal functioning, safety, and well-being of the patient? · Considering his gender and weight, what specific considerations […]

Identify a patient who lives with a long term condition, from your own clinical placement area and then.Discuss the pathogenesis of the disease, along with symptoms and complications associated with it.

Assignment title: Case Study – Long Term Condition of a patient (long term conditions to choose: cancer, arthritis, asthma, diabetes, epilepsy, angina, heart failure, and high blood pressure (hypertension). you can choose any of this conditions- dont forget to write appendix Assignment brief: 3,500 word written assignment Identify a patient who lives with a long […]