Describe the process by which fluid and electrolytes maintain homeostasis at the cellular level. Consider osmosis, diffusion, intra-extra cellular pathophysiology.

Fluid and Electrolytes Describe the process by which fluid and electrolytes maintain homeostasis at the cellular level. Identify tonicity of common IV fluids and their uses. Include how the tonicity affects fluid shifts at a cellular level. Identify nursing assessment and care of the patient with fluid and electrolyte disturbances who require I.V. therapy. Describe […]

What is it important to know the water potential of cells (particularly of foods like potatoes which we may wish to store and preserve)?

Finding the mean water potential of potato tuber cells and carrying semi-quantitative tests for reducing sugars Includes the aim and hypothesis and background information to the project.  Give a clear aim:  What is the aim of your practical, i.e. what do you aim to achieve? What is your hypothesis? What do expect to find? Look […]