How you will operationalize your independent and dependent variables

Research Topic: Poverty Causes Crime 1) A statement of the problem: What is your research question / hypothesis and why should we care? (3 paragraphs) 2) A review of at least five sources that justify your hypothesis (3 paragraphs) 3) A detailed description of your research design, including a) your independent and dependent variables b) […]

Discuss strengths and weaknesses of the article methods, approach, etc-What were some things that the author did particularly well-Are there things that can be done better?

What is the research question/hypothesis? What is being studied? Background/literature review – how comprehensive is it? What is discussed? -Methodology What methods/procedures was used ? Was it appropriate? Why , how? Describe the process – what was involved? sample size, rationale ? -Discuss the findings, results. What were some of the most noteworthy results? -What […]

Describe what is already known about this area and include a short discussion of why the background studies are not sufficient.

PILOT STUDY INSTRUCTIONS: Conduct a pilot research project including all the parts specified here (parts 1 through 6). You will be preparing a pilot research project for a library and information science (LIS) topic of interest and which you deem worthy of research. Parts 1 through 6 are meant to serve as guides into the […]

How did the scientists’ results support the questions introduced in the introduction-How do the scientists’ results integrate with research by other scientists involved in similar research?

Type your final paper with double-spacing in Times New Roman, 12-point font. introduction should be no more than half of a page. 1. Introduction must contain citations that refer to each of your four sources. 2. Summary of the science in your original science essay should be no more than one page. 3. Summary of […]

Which part do wifi, cellphone, or microwave radiation belong to? Are they harmful to human body-If yes, what makes them harmful-If no,explain.

Along with this document, there are 5 research papers included in the Final Project folder on Blackboard that you are required to read and refer to when writing your own research paper. More specifically, these 5 research papers should serve the following purposes as you prepare, draft and edit your final research paper: As your […]

What’s in common and what are the differences among different parts of the EM spectrum?

Does wifi, cellphone or microwave radiation affect our health? and Why? Along with this document, there are 5 research papers included in the Final Project folder on Blackboard that you are required to read and refer to when writing your own research paper. More specifically, these 5 research papers should serve the following purposes as […]

If the study can still be considered valid, how might the results be used to change nursing practice?

DISCUSSION RESPONSE Read statement below. In response peer, identify potential threats to the validity of the research example. If the study can still be considered valid, how might the results be used to change nursing practice? Quantitative research is based on facts, numerical data, and statistics to prove or disprove a hypothesis (Polit & Beck, […]

What is the problem/question being studied-What is the hypothesis?

First Paper Directions: Answers should be double spaced; 11-12 font size; standard margins. Proper grammar and paragraph format is expected. All answers should be written in complete sentences. A recent clinical study demonstrated a possible connection between coffee consumption and heart health. The researchers performed a 6-week trial with 191 individuals, all of whom were […]