Describe how data was gathered and analyzed. What research question or hypothesis were the researchers trying to explore-What statistical analysis was used?

Quantitative Article Directions Peer Reviewed Quantitative Research Article with a focus on Servant Leadership in Elementary Schools. Introduction/Body: Provide context for the research article. What led the author(s) to write the piece? What key concepts were explored? What were the weaknesses in prior research that led the author to the current hypothesis or research question? […]

What a topic on your conjecture. Make sure to explain the statistic concepts, how did you perform the analyses, what statistical result did you get and what does that tell us under the context.

Relations Between Two Variables Explore statistics of NBA players in season 2021-2022 on NBA website Make a guess what statistics are strongly correlated. Select two of those statistics, for example, playing time and efficiency, perform statistical analyses to see if the results confirm your hypothesis. What a thesis on your conjecture. Make sure to […]

What is science? More specifically, what makes something science? How is science distinguished from non-science or pseudoscience?

Nature of science What is science? More specifically, what makes something science? How is science distinguished from non-science or pseudoscience? These questions have been the source of debate for many centuries, even millennia. Two thousand years ago, natural philosophers disputed the very nature of matter. Was matter continuous, infinite, and divisible as claimed by Plato, […]

How effective is the TSA’s layered, risk-based security approach in preventing terrorist attacks in US airports?

Literature Review and Variables Craft an original research hypothesis that will prove or disprove your research question approved in Week 1. (How effective is the TSA’s layered, risk-based security approach in preventing terrorist attacks in US airports?) This will be the focus of your research for the Capstone Research Project. You must clearly state your […]

What independent variables are used-how are they measured-What is the justification for including these predictor variables?

Multiple Regression TO PREPARE FOR DISCUSSION: SEE EXAMPLE ATTACHED INCLUDE 3 GRAPHS IN DISCUSSION! Create a research question using the Afrobarometer Dataset or the HS Long Survey Dataset, that can be answered by multiple regression. ASSIGNMENT: Use SPSS to answer the research question. Post your response to the following: If you are using the Afrobarometer […]

Which measures operationalize “demographic characteristics-Which operationalize socio-economic status?

Questionnaire Analysis for Methods Option 1: Survey Design You will design a questionnaire that might be used in a survey to assess people’s attitudes toward governmental policy to reduce poverty. The survey should try to capture general attitudes about the role of government in reducing poverty rather than their positive or negative views of specific […]

Explain why this type of analysis is most appropriate for your research

Data Analysis Plan For this section of your research proposal assignment, you will carefully design a plan for analyzing your quantitative data. Explain in detail how you will go about analyzing your data. Be sure to add this in order1-6. 1.Include definitions of all variables 2.Identify your null hypothesis and research hypothesis 3.Include the type […]

What are the key features of this theoretical approach as described in the eText-other sources? De

Assignment 1: Reflective journal Remember you should use your own assumptions, opinions, experiences and beliefs about human behaviour in your reflections. There is no expectation that you should already ‘know’ something about the theory approach. What are the key features of this theoretical approach as described in the eText and other sources? Develop this view […]